
Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Symptoms of cow’s milk allergy

Anyone can have an allergy to cow's milk, but this case was found more often in infants. The latest statistics concluded that about 2-3% of babies have an allergy to the protein contained in cow's milk, which incidentally is the basic ingredient almost the entire formula. But the good news, the average allergy will disappear with age of the baby.
If you suspect your baby has a cow's milk allergy, talk with your doctor about the type of inspection should be done and alternatives to milk formula. But there is no harm if we slightly peeling the basics of health problems on this one ...
How do Allergies Happen Process
Cow's milk allergy occurs when the immune system (immune system) the body of the baby wrong in judging, so he thought cow's milk is something that is dangerous and he reacted against it. This eventually triggers an allergic reaction, causing the baby is fussy, restless, and incurred other allergic symptoms.
Oh yes, almost all infants who are allergic to cow's milk were also allergic to milk goats and sheep. Some smaller turns are also allergic to proteins found in soy milk.
Statistics also show that babies who receive exclusive breastfeeding has the risk of cow's milk allergy are lower than those who consumed milk with formula. Experts believe that the disorder is associated with hereditary and usually it will disappear after a child aged 3-5 years.
Cow Milk Allergy Symptoms
Cow's milk allergy symptoms usually begin to appear in the first few months of age the baby. These symptoms can occur immediately after drinking cow's milk, or it could be up to 7-10 days later. Usually it is more difficult to detect, because almost the same as the symptoms of other medical disorders.

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